SCIENCE Lessons, Lesson Plans, Worksheets, and Activities for teaching 2nd Grade - 3rd Grade - 4th Grade - 5th Grade - 6th Grade - 7th Grade - 8th Grade - Elementary - Middle School

A science lesson on earthquakes.
A science lesson on volcanoes.
Why does the wind blow? Experimenting with moving Air
The lesson gives a basic explanation of the phenomenon of air movement or wind and includes a simple experiment to be done in the classroom with the teacher.
Food Chains and Food Webs
This lesson defines and illustrates food chains, food webs, and the effect changes in populations have on a community.
Beetles, Bees and Butterflies - Reading Comprehension and Classification
An article about beetles, bees and butterflies to be read individually and discussed in groups, facilitated by the teacher. Followed by a reading comprehension activity and a visual classification activity using their own artwork.
Seed Sorting, How do Seeds Travel
This lesson?s focus is to teach methods of seed dispersal. It also incorporates the skills of observation, collecting and sorting.
Photosynthesis: Using the Sun to Make Food
An introduction to the process of photosynthesis including the raw materials, products made and plant parts involved.
Cells: Totally Cellular
An introduction to types of cells, their key parts, and their importance in the organization of organisms.
Matter: All that Stuff - Elements, Atoms, Compounds
An introduction to the organization of matter including the terminology element, atom, and compound.
Bonding: Let?s Get Together
A review of atomic structure and introduction to ionic and covalent bonding with examples.
An introduction to the concept of density including how to calculate density and compare densities of different substances.
Acids and Bases Are All Around
An introduction to common acids and bases, the pH scale, and measurement of pH.
Weird Water
An introduction to some of the unique physical and chemical properties of water.
Forces That Shape the Earth: Plate Movement
This lesson covers basic concepts of plate tectonics, including Pangaea Theory, Alfred Wegener, supporting evidence, types of plate movement and resulting geography.
Forces That Shape the Earth: Wind, Water and Erosion
This lesson introduces the concepts of weathering and erosion, differentiates between the two, and provides an overview of the various forces involved in both.
Slugs and Snails
Discussion of slugs and snails, and how they are classified, read individually, or with the teacher, followed by comprehension questions. Another activity has children draw their own alien life forms having similar features to slugs and snails.
In this lesson, students will learn about systems and the interconnectedness of their parts.
Physical vs. Chemical Properties
This lesson is useful for introducing the difference between physical and chemical properties. It also introduces physical and chemical mixtures.
Why does it float? ? Exploring the Concept of Density
The lesson consists of a discussion of the concept of density together with a few easy experiments. This is a difficult concept for young children to grasp so the demonstrations are an important part of the lesson.
Hey polliwog! ? The Life Cycle of the Frog
The first part of the discussion describes the characteristics of the frog and the second part provides a simplified discussion of the life cycle.
Classifying Critters
An introduction to Linnaean classification including Genus species, naming and hierarchical categories of classification.
Molecules of Life
An introduction to the four classes of macromolecules.
Plant Diversity
An introduction to the characteristics of the four major groups of land plants.
Plant Nutrition
An introduction to plant nutritional requirements and adaptations.
Plant Parts
An introduction to basic plant structure with terminology.
Carrots or Candy - Making Healthy Choices
The discussion is an introductory lesson on food groups. Depending upon the children?s reading levels, this can be done as an individual lesson and the reading used to refer to when doing the activities.
Waste Not, Want Not ? Recycling
The reading introduces the concept of natural resources. This could be used in the full class or in groups to generate further discussion around the concept.
Blow, Wind, Blow ? Wind Power
The reading gives a brief synopsis of the uses of wind energy and can be read individually or in pairs, followed by discussion.
Learning about Light and Shadows
The reading is designed to form part of a class discussion. Activity A encourages experimentation with light sources to determine which objects are opaque and which let light through.
Growing Things - Structure of Plants
The reading introduces the children to the bean plant and describes its structure and how it grows. This should be done as part of a class discussion, preferably with visual aids in the form of water soaked beans.
Gearing up ? Learning About Gears
The reading introduces the children to the concept of gears.
Round and Round - Wheels and Axles
The reading introduces the children to the concept of the wheel and axle as a simple machine. Activity A requires the children to identify the wheel and axle in as many different objects as possible.
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow ? Measurements of Time
Most of the children in kindergarten and Grade 1 will be familiar with the terms introduced in this lesson. Use the discussion to reinforce and extend this knowledge.
Seasons ? Measurements of Time
Most of the children will have some idea of the seasons. This lesson is designed to reinforce the concept that the seasons are cyclical and that the weather during the different seasons is fairly predictable.
The reading introduces the children to a simple machine in the form of the pulley. It may be used as part of a class discussion or as a paired reading, followed by discussion. Samples of different types of pulleys would enhance the lesson tremendously.
Science ? Learning About Hibernation
Activity A reinforces the knowledge, obtained from the reading, of true hibernation and Activity B is a brief comprehension exercise based on temporary hibernation.
Science ? Learning About Migration
The lesson is designed to extend the children?s knowledge of migration. The reading can be used in a paired reading session or as part of a class discussion.
Biomes of the World
An introduction to the concept of a biome with examples. Emphasis on the relationship between climate, plant life, and animal life.
Deadly Deserts
An overview of the characteristics of the desert biome including plant and animal life.
An overview of the characteristics of the taiga biome including plant and animal life.
Rainforests Rule
An introduction to rainforest characteristics and differences/similarities between tropical and temperate rainforests.
Totally Tundra
An overview of the characteristics of the tundra biome including plant and animal life.
Science ? Life Cycle of the Butterfly
Activity A allows the children to test their knowledge of metamorphosis and Activity B is a creative exercise that tests their understanding of the sequence.
The Chambered Nautilus
Students will learn facts about the chambered nautilus and its surroundings.
Basket Stars
The article will teach children basic facts about the Basket Star and its environment under water.
Tiny Dragons of the Sea
Tiny Dragons of the Sea is a reading comprehension lesson using science material.
Hermit Crabs
Students will understand what a hermit crab is, where it lives and what its habitat for survival is through reading activities.
Moon Snails
Children will learn about the moon snail and understand its habitat, its needs and vocabulary associated with it.
The Paper Nautilus
Students will learn what a paper nautilus is, discover its habitat and learn what its needs are.
Sand Dollars
Students will understand the different species of sand dollars, its habitat and the vocabulary surrounding them.
Sea Otters ? Furry Mammals of the Sea
Students will understand what a sea otter is, learn about its environment and recognize vocabulary terms in relation to a sea otter.
Sunflower Stars
Students will understand what a sunflower star is, understand its habitat and learn about its needs.
How Amylase Works
A lesson to demonstrate how the enzyme Amylase works.
How Food Moves Through The Body
An introductory lesson to the digestive tract.
An introduction lesson on insects, explaining how to recognize insects and important characteristics.
Moving the World? ? Learning About Levers
The reading introduces the children to the concept of levers and would preferably be done as a class discussion.
Choosing Healthy Foods
A lesson about the Food pyramid and Nutrition Facts.
The Pipa Pipa Frog
A lesson about a The Pipa Pipa frog.
Amazing Amphibians
An introduction to amphibians with comparison and contrast of the major groups.
Amazing Arthropods
An introduction to the common characteristics of arthropods and some representative organisms with an emphasis on spiders.
Radical Reptiles
An introduction to the characteristics and history of the Class Reptilia.
Interesting Insects
An introduction to the Class Insecta including general body plan, method of gas exchange/circulation, metamorphosis, and benefits/harm to humans.
Fishy Fish
An introduction to the two classes of modern fish and their defining characteristics.
Wacky Weather
A girl on vacation by the ocean discovers exciting information about tides, wind, land and water.
The Lipstick Experiment
A boy and a girl discover the Scientific Method while preparing for a science fair.
The Lake Trip
After rescuing a trapped bird, a boy and his sister discover the importance of protecting the environment and preserving natural resources.
My Shadow is Following Me
A girl asks questions about her shadow and learns about the movements of the sun and the earth and their places in the solar system.
Dear Luna
A girl writes a letter to the moon and receives a reply describing lunar features and characteristics
The Corroding Can
In this lesson, students work together in teams to determine who is at fault for a corrosive substance found in a soft drink can. Students will use role cards and gather data on all the evidence to find an explanation.
Who Killed the Flowers?
In this science lab, students will test artificial urine made from ammonia, vinegar, and food coloring to discover who urinated on some flowers in the school greenhouse.
Dirty Clues
In this lesson, students compare soil samples from the tires of a truck to samples from various locations and from a pair of boots. By observing soil components under a microscope, they determine the location of the samples and solve the crime.
Meteorites and Their Impact
In this science lab, students will recreate the crust of the earth out of clay and use steel bearings to simulate the impact of meteorites crashing into the earth.
Beautiful Birds
An introduction to the key anatomical features of birds with emphasis on flight adaptations.
Introduction to the characteristics of the Domain Archaea and specific features of the three major groups.
Fungus Among Us
An introduction to the characteristics, ecological roles, and basic structures of fungi.
Marvelous Mammals
An introduction to the shared characteristics of all mammals and the defining characteristics of the three major mammalian groups.
Mighty Microbes
An introduction to bacterial characteristics and basic microbiological techniques.
The Color Spectrum
This lesson plan introduces the color spectrum. Activity A is a simple coloring exercise designed to remind the children that the wave lengths of each color differ. Activity B gives them the opportunity to explain the concept in their own words.
Constructing Angles
This lesson introduces the protractor and its uses, and children learn how to construct a 90 degree angle. Activity A reinforces their understanding of a protractor, and Activity B gives them practice in measuring and constructing 90 degree angles.
Talking About Clouds
This lesson covers the way in which clouds are formed. Activity A reinforces the information given in the lesson. Activity B gives the children the opportunity to identify and describe the three main cloud formations.
Mixing it Up - The Color Wheel
This lesson introduces the primary and secondary colors to young children and explains how the colors relate to each other.
Learning About Snakes
This lesson explains the differences between mammals and reptiles and describes the characteristics of snakes.
The Value of Exercise - Got Muscles
This lesson is designed to get children thinking about their muscles and the importance of exercise for building strong, healthy bodies.
The Case of the Mixed-Up Data
In this science lab, students will help a student named ?Kaylee? organize facts in order to draw a conclusion.
This lesson introduces magnetic forces. Activity A reinforces the knowledge gained from the lesson. Activity B gives the children the opportunity to test and demonstrate this knowledge.
This lesson covers the parts of the flower and the process of pollination. Activity A tests the children?s ability to name the parts of a flower. Activity B reinforces their understanding of pollination.
Do you feel like I feel? - Understanding and Expressing Emotions
The discussion is an essential part of this lesson plan. The short poem at the beginning introduces different feelings. It is important that the children have a chance to talk about feelings, theirs and others, and how to respond to them.
Fitting in - Looking at Animals Adaptation to Their Environment
Activity A reinforces the information in the reading and tests comprehension. Activities B and C require the children to engage more fully with the concept of adaptation.
Water, Water Everywhere ? Exploring Liquids
The first two activities help to reinforce the information gleaned from the discussion. The third activity helps the children to understand and demonstrate the concept of the water cycle.
Mammals: Teeth and Diet
This lesson explains how teeth are related to diet. The reading is designed to be part of a class discussion and it could be supplemented by showing examples of the teeth and jaws of different animals.
Introducing Sharks
The lesson introduces the basic characteristics of sharks. Depending upon the age and ability of the class, the children can either read the lesson themselves as a paired reading exercise, or the teacher can use it as part of a class discussion.
Seed Dispersal By Animals
This lesson discusses seed dispersal by animal agents. Three different methods are covered: adherence, ingestion and caching.
Blowing in the Wind ? Wind Dispersal
Activity A reinforces the information they are given in the reading while Activity B offers a hands on experiment in the sort of aerodynamics a seed needs in order to be carried by the wind.
Animal Classification
Students will learn how the Scientific Classification of animals works.
Weather: Water and the Earth
Students will learn weather as part of a science program.
Using Your Senses
Students will learn what the senses are and how the body interprets them.
Email From Another Planet
Students then create an ?email? message that they would send home to family or friends and include a drawing representing a photo they might have taken on their journey.
What Kind of Animal Are You?
After learning several traits/characteristics of each animal group (amphibian, bird, fish, insect, reptile, mammal) students will cut and paste animal names onto a chart based on which group they belong to.
Living and Non-Living
After taking a quick quiz to demonstrate understanding, class will take a walk around the school-indoors and outdoors so students can list or draw living and non living objects they see.
Changes in Motion: Push & Pull
Students will study and demonstrate the difference between the forces of motion ?push? and ?pull.?
Using Charts, Graphs, Tables, or Charts
Students will learn about different types of visual representations of data: graphs, charts, and tables.
This lesson is designed to increase reading comprehension. It provides an overview of botany, some the divisions of botany, and important terms and names.
Understanding Chemical and Physical Reactions
A lesson on physical and chemical reactions.
Understanding the Four Forces of Flight
A lesson on the four forces that affect flight.
Understanding Newton?s Laws
A lesson on Newton?s laws.
Understanding Simple Machines
A lesson on the names and functions of the six simple machines.
The Water Cycle
A lesson on the water cycle.
The Life Cycle of a Butterfly
A science lesson to teach students about the life cycle of the butterfly. Students will answer questions, learn vocabulary and fill in the blanks.
Making Maps
This lesson introduces the science of cartography. The reading can be used by the teacher to initiate a discussion on maps or as part of a paired or individual reading exercise.
Phases of the Moon
This lesson provides a basic explanation of the phases of the moon. The reading could be used as part of a class discussion or as an individual reading exercise.
The Earth?s Layers
A lesson on the Earth?s layers
Kinetic and Potential Energy
A lesson on potential and kinetic energy
Parts of a Cell
A lesson on animal cells.
Parts of a Plant
A lesson on plant parts and functions.
The States of Matter
A lesson on the states of matter.
Electricity and Circuits
This is a lesson about electricity, conductivity, and electric circuits.
Forests of the World
A lesson about the six basic forest types and their characteristics.
Rocks and Rock Formation
A lesson about the three basic rock types and their formation.
The Science of Sound
A lesson about sound, how it travels, and how we can hear it.
Why Earthquakes Occur
A lesson about earthquakes, how they occur, and how they are measured.
Astronomy Introduction
This lesson is designed to be an introduction to what astronomy is and what it studies.
Clouds Identification
This lesson is designed to describe clouds and cloud classifications.
Heliocentric and Geocentric Models
This lesson is designed to be an introduction to the geocentric and heliocentric models.
Scientific Method
This lesson is designed to present the scientific method and how it originated.
Importance of Soil
This lesson is designed to demonstrate the importance of soil.
The Animal Kingdom
This is a lesson about the five different animal kingdoms and their unique characteristics.
This lesson introduces creatures that are classified under Phylum Arthropoda.
Ecology Introduction
This is an introductory lesson about ecology, ecosystems, and ecological environments.
Biological Taxonomy
This is an introductory lesson about biological taxonomy and its hierarchical classification.
The Brain: An Introduction
This is an introductory lesson about the brain, its parts, and its functions.
Circles Introduction
This is an introductory lesson about circles.
Where Does Maple Syrup Come From?
This lesson explains where maple syrup comes from and briefly covers the process of going from tree to table.
The Galapagos Islands
This lesson introduces students to the Galapagos Islands.
Migrate, Adapt, or Hibernate
This lesson introduces students to the three ways that animals respond to winter.
Atoms and Static Electricity Objectives
This lesson introduces students to atoms.
This lesson introduces students to ornithology.
Leaves and Photosynthesis
This lesson introduces students to photosynthesis and why leaves change their colors in fall.
States of Matter
This lesson introduces students to matter.
This lesson introduces students to oceans.
This lesson introduces students to bones in the human body.
This lesson introduces students to elephants.
Vitamins Importance
This lesson introduces students to vitamins.
From Cows to Cartons
This lesson covers a basic explanation of cows, dairy farming, and how milk gets to our table.
Characteristics of Dirt
This is an introductory lesson about soil, its composition, and its importance.
Soil Destruction and Conservation
A lesson about early farming practices and the condition of soil and cropland in the past and present.
How Soil Was Formed
This is an introductory lesson about the formation of the earth and the development of soil and plant life through the process of weathering.
The Winter Solstice
This is an introductory lesson about the winter solstice and why it is celebrated. Mysterious ancient structures are introduced.
Transferring Heat Energy
This lesson introduces students to the different ways of transferring heat energy.
The Tallest Plants are Trees!
This lesson is a simple introduction to the two most common kinds of trees and the basic structure of trees.
The Wanderers: Planets of our Solar System
This lesson takes a preliminary look at our planets after briefly discussing how ancient cultures were intrigued by the night sky.